Your individual way of body training
BQ Body Concept
In my career of almost 30 years as a personal trainer I developed my BQ body concept – a holistic program for the healthy way. I was looking for a unit of measurement and found the Body Quotient BQ with which I define a unit of measuring body intelligence, and out of that developed a body concept.
Body intelligence means to get information and instinctive awareness of the functions of a body and to keep it in motion for a lifetime. We can influence this through stamina, flexibility, balance and muscular strength, but also through external stimuli such as regeneration and nourishment.
As a body profiler, I have created this kind of body work in order to free the body, mind and soul from all limiting factors. There begins my work.

Body profiling is the most intensive and targeted method of personal support
BQ Pillars
My five BQ Pillars consist of stamina, flexibility, balance, strength and relaxation. Body, mind and soul are positively influenced by a healthy ratio between active life and passive regeneration. It is my task as a personal trainer to identify the deficits in your body in order to achieve a correct balance. It is our goal to restore harmony on the physical level.

I move your body in such a way that all stress sequences of your heartbeat are activated. When your heartbeat is optimally variable, i.e. if your pulse frequency speeds up late under strain, and rapidly drops back to normal under regeneration, then you can cope with great mental strain.
Your heart functions more economically and can clearly manage more strain. Your blood flow is improved and the body’s supply of oxygen and nourishment is better. Then your immune system is stabilized and mental pressures and strain are reduced through intensive endurance. I train your power of focus on the flow of movement on the respective endurance equipment, work out a walk analysis and offer walking and running training. You can expect various professional endurance equipment by LIFE FITNESS and a treadmill specially designed by me. Its surface resembles a forest floor, the ascent can be adjusted to up to 30%, speeds up to 25 km/h and is equipped with a reverse mode. This makes it possible for you to train a very wide spectrum with the special prospect of an exceptionally deep reaching multifunctional endurance.

From the very beginning of my career, I soon found out that flexibility is the very basis of a body’s movements. I therefore focussed on this form of movement and developed exercises as well as equipment to regenerate the entire body symmetry.
Flexibility has a powerful influence on your endurance. If you can release stiffness and clogs, your joints can realign in an optimal position whilst the joint radius can reach its maximum grade. Then you can move forward easily and remain in flow of movement. The balance and coordination reflexes happen faster and with more precision if you train your flexibility to an optimum. The body’s increased strength multiplies when your muscles are relaxed and supple. The more your flexibility improves, your elasticity and explosive power heightens.
By a good flexibility, your body will revert to its original symmetry and uprightness (without having to use muscle power to straighten up). In our modern times, muscles stiffen up, even in a resting state, increasingly and automatic.

My balance training activates your muscle memory through specific nerve stimuli, thus developing more equilibrium, stability and coordination. Your body will be moved through a great variety of BALANCE TRAINING in my studio. This forms the basis of your posture because this training stimulates the deep-lying structures in your body. Only then does it make sense to activate muscular build-up. Keeping balance is a fundamental physical ability, in the absence of which painful injuries can take place at any age.

In meinen Räumen befinden Sie sich an einen neutralen Ort. Sobald Sie ankommen, sind Sie nur noch für sich selbst da. So habe ich die beste Möglichkeit mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten. Eine Trainingseinheit versorgt Ihren Körper mit vielen neuen Reizen. Regeneration durch Entspannung sind wichtige Trainingsergänzungen, die ich Ihnen in einer Kombination aus Entspannungsmassage, Bindegewebsmassage und eine Infrarotwärme Kabine anbiete.

Your physical strength is not only stability it also rules your body. Your innate strength can manifest itself only if you learn to control you hands and feet precisely. They are the connection of your body with the world; it is either contact with the floor or gripping an object. If you cannot hold on to an object, you cannot move it at all. Strength can flow only if we are free of constraints. Building up strength is always connected with will power, as our will power is ten times stronger than that of our body.
Learn to make use of the full movement radius of your joints as well as moving your body at rest. Strength is not the same as muscle power. Strength comes from within, muscles are on the exterior. You will train with me those muscles that you couldn’t access in an incorrect posture, and this will facilitate the optimal reconstruction of your body. You will reach your full strength when you are able to move your own body, controlled by the power of halting and moving. Then you will have reached the next level of power training. It will be followed by exercises with holistic power device, with dumb bells and ropes. Based on this foundation alone can you build up your competitive athleticism in a healthy manner. Training equipment developed for me personally will open up totally new possibilities for your power training.
The solution is in the details, our body is highly sensitive
targetted Groups
The BQ Body Concept works on the basis of your health and releases blockages inside your body. Whatever the condition, there is always a possibility to set impulses that help your body to grow/develop.
My concept adapts to your body.
to meet the specific movement requirements in the long term, because the physical basis has to be right down to the last detail. Sport is often one-sided, even kung fu masters, professional dancers, gymnasts and exercisers of all sports can call up their actual performance and reduce any deficits when doing healthy training.
durch gezielte Schulung können Schwächen in Ausdauer, Beweglichkeit, Kraft und Balance nach dem jeweiligen Entwicklungsstand gezielt gelöst werden.
bei Unfällen und Sportverletzungen nach abgeschlossener Reha setzt meine Körperarbeit an, es werden gezielt die Schwächen gelöst die den Unfall begünstigt haben und ein ganzheitliches Aufbauprogramm erstellt.
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For those with less free time and a stressful job, a modern, health and quality conscious training with special features that boost wellbeing and/or undo physical blockages and other imbalances.
highly health and quality conscious, with yearlong burdens that resulted in increasing fitness and health problems
Much pressure due to responsibility on the job and little leisure time: training to balance physical and mental stress symptoms with the help of flexible time schedules even in the case of very tight timetables of managers is possible. Following an analysis of the physical condition, body profiling will enhance mental and physical flexibility as well as training the stability and work on the uprightness of the body. This will facilitate for the self-employed and top managers the opportunity to work on their will power and assertiveness in running companies and being in charge of personnel.
Training to counterbalance physical changes, to remove stress, to increase wellbeing and prepare future mothers carefully in body and mind for their oncoming 24-hours job
With the head you think, with the body you feel
Medical Background
As I see it, my body concept occupies a field between sports and medicine, where traditional standardised methods sometimes have their limitations and requires individual approaches. There is no competition with doctors, therapists or trainers. On the contrary, without cooperation with colleagues and a holistic orientation, my training philosophy could not have been successful for so many years.
For all these years, it has been my experience that you have very profound and widely spread thereapeutic knowledge and use it for the benefit of our patients. My cooperation with you has been so successful for my practice that even in future I shall give you my unstinting confidence in attending to my patients with your highly knowledgeable and qualified therapy. This I do for this very reason that you have found with your self developed device a most unusually reflected and creative way of which numerous patients have derived many benefits
The work of your person with my top and also mass athletes still shows a clear improvement of the respective clinical pictures, even if my local physiotherapists had reached the end of their art. Thanks to their extensive expertise, special treatment methods, self-developed equipment and a wide range of treatments, the collaboration has always been a win, even in almost hopeless cases.
As a long-time doctor of the HSV soccer league team and senior club doctor, my own focus is particularly in the field of curative sports medicine ... I can confirm that I am extremely satisfied with your therapeutic work on my patients. As a rule, your treatment measures not only successfully complete the rehabilitation in the shortest possible time, but at the same time make a valuable contribution to the equally important relapse prevention.
I got to know you as an extraordinarily dedicated body therapist who did and does the patient care work I have proposed in an unusually careful manner. This consists of physical exercises coordinated between us, each tailored to the patient, combined with therapeutic influences, as they appear to be appropriate from a manual-therapeutic-osteopathic point of view in each case. During the subsequent re-encounter with the patients, I was able to convince myself of their satisfaction and on the other hand of their progress with regard to the usability of their movement system. For this reason, I test that you have a high level of performance in relation to the interrelationships carried out and recommend patients to you as the responsible practitioner if problems with the movement system require a solution.
I confirm that the patients I have referred to you for additional treatment are being treated for me mainly on the basis of a doctor's recommendation or prescription. The extension of this treatment to you naturally includes my responsibility in that I am convinced that your services correspond to those of a high-quality physiotherapist and that I can therefore give this recommendation with a clear conscience. This applies in particular to children and adolescents who are receiving additional treatment based on my recommendation.
At the moment I don't know of any better device-supported practice in the west of Hamburg. In this way we can significantly shorten the treatment time and the training for self-therapy. The patients give us a very good response. The cooperation is very good. I myself regularly visit Stefan Otto to set up training courses after a serious illness and can support this from my own experience.
We run a physiotherapy practice for children and adolescents. In the context of our diverse overlaps, I would very much like to have individual children examined by you - with the consent of the parents - and discuss with you the further possible therapy for these children. Your various devices are very helpful to me to reveal the undesirable developments and in the subsequent necessary decision-making.