health is not just a coincidence

The healthy method with exclusive one-to-one training in Dresden
BQ stands for Body Quotient -
use your body intelligently.
Your advantage is my intuition.
Based on this, the holistic concept of body work completes my program for your individual and healthy path. In my almost 30 years of practical body profiling, I have established a unit of measurement to demonstrate to a person where he or she stands at the present and how much dormant potential still awaits awakening in him or her.
Everyone has his or her own speed, each one walks in his own shoes and with his or her own life story through this world. I have the capacity to read people very attentively and to feel what they have ingested in life. Listening carefully and looking to see where faulty belief systems constitute blocks, is the central fundament of my work. From the beginning the question was: „how can I teach a person something who never engaged in sport activity, who suffers pains, who is under pressure, who is overweight and who neither feels good nor can relax?“
I found the answer in other types of movement and have developed, especially for this purpose, new equipment with innovative elements. In order to interact effectively and sustainably the focal point in my program is to first empty the cup before refilling it with good substances. The regeneration of your body is my mission. I cordially invite you to choose the healthy path and go along it with me.
In order to find out what our body, our mind and our soul need for a fulfilled life, it is important to go beyond existing limitations. Health is the fount and spring of all human functions. The range of movement in our daily lives is very limited and hardly allows space for a healthy way of life.
In order to get our body into balance, all interior and exterior factors need to be stabilized. I will show you the way there and work from inside out. The basis for stable and realistic health are your feet – here begins our journey together.
If we don’t function, our environment does not function either. Only few people are aware of this fact.
Our everyday life hardly allows for naturalness, therefore it is all the more important to make room for balance. Too much noise, pressures, demands and too much expectation of ourselves and of others, rule our lives. This being so, our potential is restricted constantly and produces many malfunctions in our bodies. The only effective solution to this is based on reduction and control – and you will have more energy flowing into other areas of your life.
Being active in sports does not necessarily mean being healthy. Several experiences from my work have demonstrated this fact. So far, I have not come to know any athlete who puts his body on a healthy basis before he starts to train, in order to activate from there his full potential.
Nourishment is essential for our life energy and supplies 80% of it and thus makes available the body’s natural resources. I will be happy to show you how, and provide you with hands-on solutions so that in future you can engage in sports healthfully and joyfully. Each one of our actions is reflected in our life and body.
Each of our actions is reflected in our life and in the body
In my career of almost 3 decades as a Personal Trainer, I developed my BQ Body Concept – a holistic program for the healthy path. I was searching for a unit of measurement and found the Body Quotient BQ with which I could rate body intelligence and from there continued to develop a body concept.

Stamina = discipline + consequence

Flexibility is like oil in a gearbox; without this element, the body loses its liveliness

The inner and outer balance represents our Equilibrium

Strength draws on the rest within movements

Emptying the mind, liberating the soul and feeling free in one’s body

My goal is to restore natural movement into everyday life and your sports activity
Every physical problem can be solved, nature knows no one-way streets

In my career as a sportsman and professional I have repeatedly observed how important it is to listen to a body’s individual signals. By intuitive observation and analysis of body language, I discover body weaknesses and malfunctions.
If our body can move freely, then it lives
A vision became reality. I wanted to create the perfect framework for your intensive training. My rooms and my service as well as my body profiling are meant to help you. Her you will find the ideal prerequisites for your revitalization.

Exercising doesn't mean being healthy
BQ Equipment
My holistic training philosophy build upon five pillars of a healthy path: strength, balance, endurance,flexibility and relaxation. You can also train these BQ factors by yourself with the specially developed BQ equipment for domestic training.

A completely new kind of equipment for training at home.

Furnishing a studio with equipment according to the BQ body concept by Stefan Otto.
Stefan Otto is authentic because he lives what he preaches
For my customers, I am the training partner on their healthy path. In customer stories, some of these customers share their experiences with the BQ body concept.

Since one year I have been training with Stefan Otto. I became convinced by his knowledgeable and emphatic, decisive, honestly relaxed energetic aura.
Stefan Ottos training concept is brillant. With a lot of knowledge and intuition Stefan Otto works with young and old as well as amateurs and competitive athletes.
I “found“ Stefan Otto in the autumn of 2010. This kind of individual one-to-one work for me was the best alternative to those big fitness centers.

room + style 2020 from January 10th to 12th, 2020
The room + style is a lifestyle fair at a high level, which provides inspiration and offers on the subjects of living, furnishings, style, aesthetics, art, design,
Would like to present decoration and accessories to an interested audience. Quality, exclusivity and the special atmosphere of the trend and lifestyle show inspire. The focus is on high-quality offers that make dreams of individual and sophisticated living come true.